Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

pengertian past tense,to the future tense, the perfect present tense



Dalam bahasa Inggris ada Past Tense, sedangkan bahasa Indonesia kalaupun ada tak perlu dipelajari, karena kata kerjanya tidak berubah. Seperti Present Tense, maka Past Tense ini pun terbagi 4: Ada yang Simple Past atau disebut Past Tense saja, ada yang Past Continuous Tense, Past Prefect Tense dan Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Inti dari Past Tense adalah untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang telah “Lampau”.
Rumus Past Tense:
Positif: S + V2
Negatif: S + did not + V1
Tanya: Did + S + V1

Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk fakta-fakta atau peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau. Contoh:

  • I played tennis with some guys from work yesterday.
  • We stayed in Shanghai for five days.

Kata kerja simple past tense (kata kerja bentuk ke-2) yang reguler dibentuk dengan menambahkan “-ed” pada akhiran kata kerja. Contoh:

  • jump -> jumped: The dog jumped over the fence.
  • walk -> walked: I walked 22 kilometers yesterday.
  • work -> worked: We worked together as lawyers for 15 years.


Simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah tindakan yang telah selesai dilakukan. Contoh:

  • We watched a movie at the weekend (kami menonton film di akhir pekan)
  • She arrived on Thursday (dia tiba hari Kamis)

Waktu spesifik harus dinyatakan atau diisyaratkan. Contoh:

  • I walked to work this morning - Dalam kalimat ini waktunya disebutkan
  • I walked to work - Dalam kalimat ini waktu tidak disebutkan, tetapi konteks kalimatnya dapat membuat kita memahami waktu yang dimaksud (yakni waktu lampau).

Kalimat negatif

Kalimat negatif simple past tense dibuat dengan did dan not. Did adalah bentuk lampau dari kata kerja to do. Did dan not sering disingkat menjadi didn’t. Contoh:
- I arrived in London on Monday -> I didn’t arrive on Sunday.
- They stayed at the Vivaldi Hotel -> They didn’t stay at the Carlton Hotel.

Karena “did” merupakan bentuk lampau, maka kata kerja utama tidak mengalami perubahan. Contoh:

  • We didn’t live in Italy. Did adalah bentuk lampau sehingga live tidak dirubah menjadi bentuk lampau.
  • We didn’t lived in Italy. Kalimat ini tidak benar

Kalimat bertanya

Pertanyaan dibuat dengan menempatkan did sebelum subjek. Contoh:

  • You lived in Japan -> Did you live in Japan?
  • They stayed at the Vivaldi Hotel -> Did they stay at the Vivaldi Hotel?

Kata kerja utama juga tidak berubah (tidak diganti menjadi bentuk lampau), contoh:
- You lived in Japan -> Did you lived in Japan? (tidak benar)
- You lived in Japan -> Did you live in Japan? (benar)

Ref :



Used to express one's work, act or event which has just been completed but the timing is not specified.

Formula :

( + ) S + Has / Have + Verb 3

( ? ) Has / Have + S + Verb 3

( - ) S+ + Has / Have +Not + Verb 3

Future Tenses

Future Tense atau Simple Future digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang Akan Terjadi. Future tense adalah tentang Nanti. Sesuatu arti katanya Future yaitu “Masa Depan”. Karena itu dalam Future Tense penggunaan kata Will, Shall yang artinya akan pastilah mendominasi.

Masih ingat pembagian Tenses dalam garis besar kan? Yes, ada 3 besar Tenses yaitu: Past, Present dan Future (Dulu, Kini, Nanti).

Pegang ini kuat-kuat:
Setiap Future pasti pakai WILL atau SHALL, artinya AKAN. Namun ada juga yang namanya Past Future Tense nanti. Karena Past maka Will dan Shall nya pakai past juga yaitu “Would”, nanti kita pelajari lebih dalam di Past Future Tense. Oh ya, sesudah Will atau Shall atau Would pasilah diikuti bentuk 1 baik itu kata kerja atau kata kerja bantu.

Kembali ke laptop!.

Rumus Future Tense
Positif: S + will + V1
Negatif: S + will + not + V1
Tanya: Will + S + V1

Shall jarang digunakan. Bisanya Shall untuk Subject I dan We (I shall…, We shall….) dan tidak untuk yang lain. Tetapi lebih sering orang pakai I will.. dan We will.. Jadi untuk I dan We boleh pakai baik will atau shall. Sedangkan Subject yang lain seperti HE, SHE, IT, YOU, THEY, WE semuanya pakai Will. Kalau begitu, untuk mempermudah pemahaman saya HANYA akan gunakan WILL saja. Kan “WIL” itu enak toh? Itu tuh yang L nya satu! haha… becanda ya.

Contoh Kalimat Positif dalam Future Tense:
-I will study
-You will swim
-They will visit Tokyo

Silahkan buat sendiri contoh Future Tense versi Anda ya. Buat dalam hati saja, lalu ucapkan sendiri, hehe.. Sengaja contoh saya persimple agar mudah dimengerti.

Future Tense Kalimat Negatif

Kalimat Negatif untuk Future Tense juga luar biasa mudah, jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan menjalankan Internet Marketing Indonesia misalnya, apa hubungannya? ya nda ada sih. sekali-sekali ngelantur agar nda bosan, toh pelajaran ini ringan kok..

-I will not study
-You will not swim
-They will not visit Tokyo

Mudah kan?

Future Tense Kalimat Tanya

Tinggal dibalik saja, Will nya di depan.

-Will You study?
-Will You swim?
-Will They visit Tokyo?

Tentunya karena Future Tense bicara “Akan” maka keterangan waktu berikut biasa ditambahkan: tomorrow, next month, three days to go, next year dan segala sesatu yang menunjukkan “akan” tersebut.

-You will swim together tomorrow
-They will visit Tokyo next year
-No one will stop us now from loving each other
-I dont think They will come on time

tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2

1. I spend my money
a.I spent my money
b.I will spend my money
c.I have spent my money
2. They use the one
a.they used that once
b.they will use that one
c.they have used that once
3. we study english together
a. we studied english together
b.we will study english together
c.we have studied english together
4. they discuss their work
a.they discussed they work
b.they will discuss they work
c.they have discussed they work
5. they have enough time
a.they had enough time
b.they will be enough time
c.they have enoughted time
6. I do all of the lessons
a.I done all of the lessons
b.I will do all of the lessons
c.I have done all of the lessons
7. He sits in that row
a. He sitted in that row
b.He will sit in that row
c.He has sit in that row
8. I drive my car
a.I drave my car
b.I will drive my car
c.I have driven my car
9. She hides her money
a.She hided her money
b.She will hide her money
c.She has hide her money
10. We go to school
a.We went go to school
b.We will go to shcool
c.We have to school
11. He takes much time
a. He took much time
b.He will takes much time
c.He has taken much time
12. Does he eat there ?
1. Did he eat there ?
2. Will he eat there ?
3. Has he eaten there ?

13. Do you enjoy that work ?
1. Did you enjoy that work ?
2. Will you enjoy that work ?
3. Have you enjoyed that work ?

14. Does he write many letters ?
1. Did he write many letters ?
2. Will he write many letters ?
3. Has he written many letters ?

15. Do you send many letters ?
1. Did you send many letters ?
2. Will you send many letters ?
3. Have you sent many letters ?

16. Do they explain everything ?
1. Did they explain everything ?
2. Will they explain everything ?
3. Have they explained everything ?

17. Does she attend that class ?
1. Did she attend that class ?
2. Will she attend that class ?
3. Has she attended that class ?

18. Do you have enough time ?
1. Did you have enough time ?
2. Will you have enough time ?
3. Have you had enough time ?

19. Do they copy the sentences ?
1. Did they copy the sentences ?
2. Will they copy the sentences ?
3. Have they copied the sentences ?

20. Does she have much trouble ?
1. Did she have much trouble ?
2. Will she have much trouble ?
3. Has she had much trouble ?

21. Does she do good work ?
1. Did she do good work ?
2. Will she do good work ?
3. Has she done good work ?

22. Do the students practice ?
1. Did the students practice ?
2. Will the students practice ?
3. Have the students practiced ?

Negative (-) :

23. I don’t stay there :
1. I didn’t stay there
2. I won’t stay there
3. I haven’t stayed there

24. He doesn’t work hard :
1. He didn’t work hard
2. He won’t work hard
3. He hasn’t worked hard

25. I don’t have any energy :
1. I didn’t have any energy
2. I won’t have any energy
3. I haven’t had any energy

26. He doesn’t pay his bills :
1. He didn’t pay his bills
2. He won’t pay his bills
3. He hasn’t paid his bills

27. We don’t see that fellow :
1. We didn’t see that fellow
2. We won’t see that fellow
3. We haven’t seen that fellow

28. She doesn’t use this one :
1. She didn’t use this one
2. She won’t use this one
3. She hasn’t used this one

29. They don’t remember it :
1. They didn’t remember it
2. They won’t remember it
3. They haven’t remembered it

30. I don’t do much work here :
1. I didn’t do much work here
2. I won’t do much work here
3. I haven’t done much work here

31. He doesn’t listen carefully :
1. He didn’t listen carefully
2. He won’t listen carefully
3. He hasn’t listened carefully

bahan PI

IHSG Cetak Rekor Lagi, Saham Grup Bakrie Melejit
by Amailia Putri Hasniawati, Ade Jun Panjaitan | Harian Kontan

JAKARTA. Dua hari berturut-turut, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) mencetak rekor baru sepanjang sejarah. Kemarin (20/8), IHSG memperbaiki rekor hari sebelumnya dengan mendaki 0,4% ke level 3.117,72. Bersama mem-buncahnya gairah berburu saham di bursa, harga saham -saham emiten grup Bakrie pun ikut meningkat dan enyumbang kenaikan indeks.

Setelah sempat terkapar dihari sebelumnya, kemarin Seven Brothers menggeliat Saham PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) terbang paling tinggi 16,28% menjadi Rp 1.500 per saham. Harga saham PT Bakrie Sumatra Plantations Tbk (UNSP) naik 12,77% ke Rp 265, PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (ENRG) naik 8,54% ke Rp 89 dan PT Bakrieland Development Tbk (ELTY) melompat 7,2% ke Rp 103 per saham.

Tak ketinggalan, saham PT Darma Henwa Tbk (DEWA) naik 1,96% ke Rp 52 per saham dan PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk

(BTEL) naik 1,35% menjadi Rp 150 per saham. Cuma saham PT Bakrie Brothers Tbk (BNBR) yang tak berkutik di harga Rp 50 per saham.

Kenaikan harga saham BUMI menjadi penopang terbesar kedua setelah saham PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM). Belakangan ini, harga saham produsen rokok ini dalam tren naik. Kemarin, harga saham GGRM naik 7,37% menjado Rp 40.050 per saham.

Sayangnya, meski indeksmelaju, investor asing justru lebih banyak menjual sahamnya. Terbukti, asing kemarin mencatat net sell atau penjualan bersih Rp 69 miliar. Tapi, selama pekan ini, asing masih mencatat net buy Rp 2,2 triliun. Head of Equity Investment Mandiri Management Investasi Kenny Soejatman bilang, ini saat yang tepat bagi investor jangka pendek atawa trader berburu saham emiten grup Bakrie. "Bagi Anda yang berani melawan arus dan tidakmemedulikan fundamental, ini waktu tepat untuk masuk," ujarnya Cuma, dia mengingatkan, kebangkitan harga saham grup Bakrie hanya berlangsung sebentar.

Kepala Riset Universal Broker Indonesia Satrio Utomo menilai, secara teknikal saham grup Bakrie sudah jatuh terlalu dalam, jadi wajar bila naik. Tapi, ia mengingatkan investor agar berhati-hati. Apalagi, menurut dia, kenaikan indeks ini anomali.


Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

100 Vocabulary you find in the office

1. Building - gedung
2. Door - pintu
3. Window - jendela
4. Table - meja
5. Chair - bangku
6. Book - buku
7. Document - dokumen
8. Paper - kertas
9. Pen - pulpen
10. Cupboard - lemari
11. Clock - jam
12. Computer - komputer
13. Printer - printer
14. Keyboard - keyboard
15. Scanner - scaner
16. Proyektor - proyektor
17. Telephone - telpon
18. Fax mail - mesin fax
19. Decoration - dekorasi
20. Photo - foto
21. Fotocopy machine - mesin fotocopy
22. Lamp - lampu
23. Calendar - kalender
24. Ac - pendingin ruangan
25. Blower - penyemprot
26. Television - tv
27. Cctv - kamera pengawas
28. Mushola - musolah
29. Pantry - pantri
30. Meeting room - ruangan rapat
31. Toilet - toilet
32. Scanner - mesin scan
33. Eraser - penghapus
34. Laptop - laptop
35. White board - papan tulis
37. Modem - modem
38. Car - mobil
39 . Motorcycle - motor
40. Laptop - komputer jinjing
41. Pantophle shoes - sepatu pantofel
42. Bag - tas
43. Compact Disk - CD
45. floppy disk - disket
46. Cable - kabel
47. Drive value disk - DVD
48. Speaker - speker
49. Remote - remot
50. Lamp - lampu
51. Floor - lantai
52. USB cable - kabel USB
53. Local Area Network cable - kabel LAN
54. Router - pembagi jaringan
55. Flashdisk - flashdisk
56. Handphone - telfon genggam
57. Arloji - jam tangan
58. Tie - dasi
59. Toilet - wc
60. Newspaper - koran
61. Magezine - majalah
62. Pencil - pensil
63. Clock - jam
64. Sofa - sofa
65. Lift - lift
66. stairs - tangga
67. vaccum cleaner - penyedot debu
68. canteen - kantin
69. Glass - gelas
70. Spoon - sendok
71. Fork - garpu
72. Vase - vas bunga
73. Flower - bunga
74. Plate - piring
75. Soap - sabun
76. Refrigerator - kulkas
77. Snack - makanan ringan
78. Coffee - kopi
79. Tea - teh
80. Sugar - gula
81. Direction - direksi

82. Director - direktur

83. Secretary - sekertaris

84. Human Resources -HRD

85. General Manager - manager

86. Security - satpam

87. Office Boy - OB

88. Driver - supir

89. Maintenance -perawatan

90. Finance - keuangan

91. Accounting - akuntansi

92. EDP -EDP

93. Marketing - pemasaran

94. Purchasing - pembayaran

95. MI And Supply - MI & penyedia barang

96. Staff - Karyawan

97. Receptionist - Resepsionis

98. Customer - pelanggan

99. Sales - penjualan

100. CEO - Pemilik